Oil Analysis

Oil analysis is a predictive technique that provides valuable information to analysts who have to determine when a machine should be operated and diagnose the detected fault.


Lube oil analysis techniques are fundamental to determine:


  • Degradation of the lubricant. By studying the degradation of the oil, the replacement of the lubricants can be programmed and thus postpone the replacement of oils in good condition or bring forward the replacement of deteriorated oils that do not have sufficient viscosity for effective lubrication, thus avoiding premature breakdowns.
  • Wear and tear of machine components. The study of ferrous and non-ferrous wear components enables the wear of bearings, gears, seals and other components to be located as early as possible.
  • Entry of solid and liquid contaminants. Monitoring the level of non-ferrous contaminants allows immediate identification of solid contaminant ingress. On the other hand, monitoring of the humidity level alerts both to the entry of contaminating water and to the communication of lubrication and cooling circuits, for example.

The benefits of applying oil analysis as a predictive technique are mainly


  • Extend the life of lubricating oils to the maximum
  • Prevent breakdowns due to deterioration of the lubricant earlier than expected, by identifying wear particles on monitored machine components or by contaminant ingress.
  • More information for planning maintenance reviews of machinery.
  • Reduced expenditure on lubricants.
  • Reduction of the environmental impact of unusable oils.


In ISS RD, SRL we have expert inspectors in the analysis of oils and lubricants with a vast knowledge of the application of the technique in different applications in the mining sector, energy, oil, cement, sugar, food, water and others.